Arcbiogaz is a french biogas plant manufacturer of an innovative patented infinitely mixed technology. The innovative feeding system composed by a raised tank and a recirculation pump allows the use of every farm by-products (solid and liquid) and the catch of stones and others heavy materials too. The digestors are PVC-made and equipped with home-made mixers. It has several advantages : - low cost for small to medium size (10-100 Nm3 CH4/h - 50 to 400 kWe) - high modularity and easiness of upgrading existing plants - low landscape impact : concrete-free technology, lower height of the digestors The produced biogas is typically 55% CH4 45% CO2 from 20 to 200 Nm3/h. Arcbiogaz plants are currently distributed only in south and north-east of France. Arcbiogaz is looking for distributors in others coutries and west part of France.