The GEF Biogás Brasil Project promotes local and federal actions to encourage the integration of biogas in the Brazilian production chain. In addition to the economic and social benefits, the generation of energy from biogas also reduces the emission of polluting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, improving the environmental performance of Brazilian agribusiness and the management of urban waste in the country.
The Project is led by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
In addition to these, they comprise the Project Steering Committee: International Center for Renewable Energies (CIBiogás), Itaipu Binacional, Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Ministry of the Environment (MMA), and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) .
Also important partners of the Project are the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), the Brazilian Biogas Association (ABiogás) and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) .
The Project receives resources from the Global Environment Facility (Global Environment Facility, or GEF) and its main objective is to expand the supply of renewable energy and fuel from the generation of biogas and biomethane, in addition to strengthening national technology supply chains in the sector.
The Tropicalization Program provided by The Brazil GEF Biogas Project promotes cooperation between Brazilian and foreign companies to identify business opportunities that meet the demands of the local market. The goal of this Program is to integrate and engage national and international stakeholders to foster economic development and technological innovation aimed at the biogas value chain in Brazil.
The Tropicalization Program will streamline cooperation between Brazilian and foreign companies to bring to Brazil (to “tropicalize”) foreign technological solutions or business models that solve one or more of the 06 (six) main challenges declared by the Brazilian biogas market. Each of these challenges is a priority line of our Tropicalization Program.
In addition to meeting these challeges, the project proposals provided by participating companies (called Concept Notes, or CNs) should promote technology knowledge transfer and establish industrial partnerships.
Initially, 08 (eight) Concept Notes will be selected by the Program. Each CN selected must meet at least one of the challenges listed by the local market, as well as all the other requirements of this Public Call (Read more details about the challenges below).
The Brazil GEF Biogas Project is led by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI), implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The International Center for Renewable Energy (CIBiogás) is the main implementing entity of the Project.
The Public Call for the Tropicalization Program of the Brazil GEF Biogas Project is independently implemented by UNIDO.
Publication date of the Public Call: 11/03/2021.
Deadline for submission of proposals: October 2021.
Guarantee of execution: Initially, 8 (eight) Concept Notes will be selected for the Tropicalization Program.