April 20th, 2017 – VIA Metropolitan Transit, based in San Antonio TX, officially introduced the first of more than 400 new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses this week, signalling a historic conversion of the agency’s fleet and VIA’s salute to Earth Day. The move affirms VIA’s focus on environmentally sustainable mobility in the region. A new, 10-pump CNG fueling station will be the largest in the nation once it’s completely operational later this year.
April 20th, 2017 – A new state aid scheme to support investments in ‘less exploited’ renewable resources, such as biogas, biomass and geothermal energy, has been approved in Romania. The new support scheme from the Romanian government applies until 2020, and has a total budget of over EUR 100,000 ($107,000). 85% of the budget comes from the European fund for regional development, 15% from the state’s funds.
Read more on Bioenergy Insight
April 23rd, 2017 – Republic Services, an industry leader in U.S. recycling and non-hazardous solid waste, has celebrated Earth Day by unveiling a new compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station and adding 22 new CNG-powered trucks to serve customers of Daly City in California. The new CNG trucks replace older diesel-powered trucks in the Company’s fleet.
April 24th, 2017 – Two years after setting a goal of “zero waste” by 2030, New York is reporting incremental progress and a new effort to “rethink garbage in groundbreaking ways that treat it as a resource for creating products, energy, and a greener city.” According to its annual OneNYC update, the city achieved a 10.9% reduction (from a 2005 baseline) in residential refuse generation last year with a 16.9% diversion rate. The goal is to reach 90% reduction by 2030.
April 26th, 2017 – The productivity of biogas plants in Austria has increased in the last 10 years, thanks to larger plants, automation, increased efficiency and a reduction in machine stoppages. Significant improvements between 2006 and 2014 are highlighted in a study performed by the Institute for Industrial Research (IWI) Vienna.
Read more on European Biogas Association
April 26th, 2017 – The U.S. DOE has awarded funding to 38 projects for which small businesses will team up with national lab researchers through the DOE’s Small Business Vouchers pilot program. The intent of the SBV program is to facilitate access to DOE national labs for American small businesses, enabling them to tap into the intellectual and technical resources needed to overcome critical technology challenges for their advanced energy products, and gain a global competitive advantage, according to the DOE.
April 27th, 2017 – Saxlund International was selected by principal contractor Galliford Try Infrastructure in May 2016 to provide the bulk fuel reception and handling technology for three waste wood gasification facilities currently under construction in Barry, Boston and Hull, for renewable energy company Biomass UK. Saxlund is now on site in construction on all three sites.
Read more on Envirotec Magazine
April 27th, 2017 – Pacific Gas and Electric Co. has announced a call for proposals for renewable energy developers to build new projects for a clean energy program available to PG&E customers. The sites are for PG&E’s Regional Renewable Choice program that will expand renewable energy access by enabling customers to work directly with developers of new renewable projects.
April 27th, 2017 – Several new projects provide examples of how anaerobic digestion facilities are evolving. Anaerobic digestion (AD) to target the solid waste stream is just getting off the ground in the U.S. There are infrastructure issues and economics to work out. But new technologies and operational best practices are beginning to emerge to address the issues.
April 27th, 2017 – A paper mill in Norway has installed a biogas upgrading system to process gas from its sewage treatment plant. Norske Skog’s Saugbrugs plant in Halden, Norway, has a history dating back to 1575. The mill has three supercalendered magazine paper production machines with a combined 500,000 tons annual capacity. The plant’s new biogas upgrade system has been provided and installed by Pentair Haffmans.