Originally scheduled in May 2020, REGATEC 2020 will be taking place in Weimar, Germany on September 20-21, 2021. The event is a vibrant hotspot for the biogas, gasification and power-to-gas communities. The conference covers the latest advances in biogas upgrading, syngas fermentation, biomass gasification, bioLNG and power-to-gas, including experiences from industrial scale plants.
There are several synergies between anaerobic digestion, biomass gasification and power-to-gas, especially in the future energy system, which is expected to rely to a large extent on intermittent power production such as wind power and photovoltaics. Liquefaction of biogas (bioLNG) to supply a clean and efficient fuel for the part of the transportation sector where electrification currently isn’t a realistic alternative, e.g. heavy duty vehicles and shipping, is another topic of great interest.
Results and experiences from unique installations such as the world’s largest power-to-gas based on biological methanation, a commercially operated WoodRoll®, and the first full scale Hyperthermics facility will be presented.
More than 45 oral and visual presentations, an extensive exhibition and Network Plus (scheduled short B2B meetings) makes REGATEC the perfect place to make new contacts and find new collaboration and business partners.
REGATEC is organised by Renewtec AB and Institute for Biogas, Waste Management & Energy in collaboration with theThuringian Energy and GreenTech Agency.
For more information, please visit: www.regatec.org