Here’s an overview of key biogas news.
The Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF) SME Project stream provides support to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for retrofit projects in sectors such as Building, Transportation, Industry, Waste, Agriculture, and more. The CAIF program is available to applicants operating in the provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick. Application period: 90 days starting July 17, 2019, or until funding exhausted. Eligible recipients: Small-sized incorporated enterprises of 1-99 employees and Medium-sized incorporated enterprises of 100-499 employees (Note: Participants in the Output-Based Pricing System are not eligible.)
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The Canadian government announced Aug. 19 it will provide $7.6 million to support the University of British Columbia’s biomass expansion project, which will increase the university’s renewable energy capacity. According to UBC, the newly announced funding will support the $20.4 million expansion of its innovative bioenergy research demonstration facility (BRDF), which provides heat to campus buildings by repurposing clean wood waste from other outside processes and sources. UBC said it will use the $7.6 million in federal money to purchase and install a new 12 MW biomass-fueled hot water combustion boiler by late fall of 2020.
Australia’s largest meat processor and exporter is switching to biogas for its plant expansion, according to a report by AU Manufacturing. Teys Australia revealed that its new Teys Naracoorte Beef Processing Facility had captured biogas from a covered anaerobic lagoon which is part of its waste treatment facilities. Until now, the facilities had leaked harmful gases into the environment. Now, it will be used to fuel its brand new plant. The covered anaerobic lagoon project will deliver several environmental benefits including reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as methane.
A new anaerobic digestion facility at a dairy farm in Vermont, US is set to be completed in 2020. The four organisations behind the project, Vanguard Renewables, Goodrich Farm, Middlebury College and Vermont Gas, gathered at the site on 20 August to celebrate the ground breaking for the new facility which will convert manure and food waste into renewable energy. Goodrich Farm, which is home to 900 milking cows, will soon become Vermont’s first local source of pipeline-ready methane or natural gas. The product will be refined from a mixture of manure and dairy factory food waste and pumped to a Vermont Gas Systems distribution line.
Circle K teamed up with Gas Networks Ireland to open Ireland’s first publicly accessible fast-fill compressed natural gas (CNG) station. The CNG station is at Circle K’s Dublin Port location. It has the capacity to fill 50 heavy goods vehicles a day and each fill takes no more than five minutes. “We are delighted to introduce Ireland’s first publicly accessible, fast-fill CNG station through our partnership with Gas Networks Ireland. We are very proud to offer Ireland’s commercial fleet operators a cleaner and more cost-effective fuel alternative,” said Gordon Lawlor, managing director, Circle K.
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Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) joined Calgren Dairy Fuels recently to announce completion of Calgren’s dairy renewable natural gas facility. The project, located in the Central Valley community of Pixley, is the first of its kind in California and is expected to be the largest dairy biogas operation in the US later this year. At the new facility, Calgren collects cow manure – a potent source of greenhouse gas emissions – from four local dairy farms and processes it in an anerobic digestor that accelerates the natural decomposition process. Methane emissions from that process are captured and converted to make renewable vehicle fuels.
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Detroit Zoological Society (DZS) is using anaerobic digestion to reach its 100% renewable energy goal. The Michigan, US-based zoo has already installed an anaerobic digester to divert 500 tonnes of herbivore waste and food scraps from landfill and convert it into energy and compost. DZS revealed in a statement that it has won four green awards for its sustainability initiatives and achievements. Alongside its anaerobic digester, the zoo has also implemented solar and electric hybrid golf carts and bicycles for onsite transportation. It is also the first zoo in the US to install a Smartflower, a ground-mounted solar panel system that generates more than 4,000 KW of electricity annually.
“The renewable energy market in Europe broke two barriers in 2018; with the supply of Guarantees of Origin nearly reaching 600 TWh – and demand surpassing 500 TWh,” says Tom Lindberg, Managing Director in ECOHZ, commenting on new statistics from the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB). According to ECOHZ, comparing Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) figures of first half-year supply and demand of Guarantees of Origin for 2019 with comparable figures in 2018 shows that supply is growing by 14 TWh while demand grew significantly faster, with 60 TWh.Norway-headed ECOHZ is an independent renewable electricity supplier sourced from a wide range of sources, regions, and qualities.
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When it comes to addressing climate change, we must pursue the many diverse approaches for reducing carbon emissions. One of the most overlooked opportunities in our arsenal today is renewable natural gas (RNG). It’s simply not getting enough attention in relationship to its potential for major impact. RNG is natural gas derived from processing raw biogas, which is produced from industry, agriculture and waste management. The most common source of biogas — which consists largely of methane — is the breakdown of organic waste at wastewater treatment plants and landfills. And methane is at least 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Biogas is a combination of various gases that are generated through anaerobic digestion, fermentation, or other processes. It is primarily generated using waste products from the agricultural industry, sewage or edible waste, plant and industrial waste, and municipal garbage collection. Biogas commonly holds valuable applications as a fuel source intended for space heating, powering vehicles, cooking, and heat and electricity production. The popularity ratings of biogas among environment conscious consumers has soared over the years owing to it being a renewable source of energy with only a minor carbon footprint.
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