Professionals related to the production of BIOGAS, BIOMETHANE and other RENEWABLE GAS will have their most important appointment in 2022 in Valladolid, on October 5 and 6.
After the magnificent reception of the 1st Renewable Gas Trade Fair by professionals in the sector last September 2021, the Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG) as technical partner, and the Spanish Biomass Association (AVEBIOM) as organizing entity, organize the second edition this year in Valladolid with the aim of giving a strong boost to the sector, communicating and showing the available technology and the opportunities that are opening up in the coming years.
The professionals who attended the first edition showed their satisfaction with a professional and exclusive event in the sector. The event was held in parallel to Expobiomasa and of the 7,480 visitors who attended, 542 visitors chose “biogas production” as their main interest.
Besides that, 400 professionals attended the fourteenth International Bioenergy Congress (#CIB21), in an atmosphere of optimism for the near future of renewable gas activity.
The current situation of the fossil gas market, with prices constantly rising, uncertainty regarding the stability of supply and skyrocketing emission rights, is forcing the energy transition to be accelerated. Aid policies in the EU, aimed at reducing emissions and implementing renewable energies, place biomass and renewable gas as the most desirable energy alternatives in the industrial and commercial spheres.
The 1st Renewable Gas Trade Fair confirmed that there are mature technologies capable of obtaining multiple products, reducing emissions and producing renewable gas from the management of the abundant waste available. Spain could be the third country in Europe in renewable gas generation in 2050 if there is clear support from administrations for an energy source that uses waste in a sustainable and efficient way.
Industry experts predict that Spain will have 12 biomethane plants in operation by the end of 2022 and another 30 projects in the pipeline. In 2024 there will be 64 and they will generate 2,077 GWh/year compared to the current 162 GWh/year. In Europe, the number of biomethane plants increased by 17% in the last year.
The demand for gas is very high in Spain and throughout Europe, the #RENEWABLEGAS sector should only worry about producing with guarantees and quality.
It is time to definitively support this technological change that meets the postulates of Europe’s climate, environmental and energy policy like no other.
Parallel to the II Renewable Gas Trade Fair, the XV International Bioenergy Congress (#CIB22) will be held in Valladolid on October 5 and 6, 2022, which will be focused all its presentations and activities on production, technology and the market situation in Spain and Europe for biogas, biomethane and renewable gas in general.
The II RENEWABLE GAS TRADE FAIR will be held on October 5 and 6 in Valladolid (Spain) in parallel to the XV International Bioenergy Congress.
The event has the support of numerous firms that offer technology, financing, innovation, production, transport and distribution, marketing, technical management and engineering, in other words, everything necessary to develop a turnkey project from the beginning or participate in a project that has already started.
Exhibitors will have the unique opportunity to contact professionals seeking technology, investors with projects, waste managers and producers, and all those committed to developing the production and use of biogas and biomethane in Spain and Portugal. In addition, they will be able to actively participate in the congress sessions and other parallel activities.
The organization offers turnkey stands and many other options to personalize this commercial and positioning action among the leading firms in the incipient sector in Spain.
Interested exhibitors can find all the updated information at:
Or contact via email:
Until May 31, the period is open to receive proposals for participation as a speaker at the International Bioenergy Congress. A committee made up of professionals appointed by the organizing entities will evaluate all the proposals received and define the program of presentations for the XV International Congress on Bioenergy focused on the energy recovery of biogas and biomethane.
The program will be completed with technical presentations offered by exhibitors at the 2nd Renewable Gas Trade Fair and various framework presentations on the economic and political situation in the sector.
Attendance at this congress will allow professionals to learn about all the news and trends first-hand, connect with other professionals and speakers in a personal way. Registering for the congress gives access to the conferences, documentation, recordings, to the B2B room, to lunches and coffees and more parallel activities yet to be specified.
All updated information is available at