The HygroPro II moisture transmitter is an intrinsically safe, compact, loop-powered display transmitter designed specifically to meet the demands of rugged industrial applications. With certified intrinsically safe electronics (when installed with appropriate associated apparatus) packaged in an IP66/IP67/Type 4X enclosure, the HygroPro II is ideal for use in pipeline natural gas, petrochemical, power generation, and other industrial gas or hydrocarbon liquid applications.
The HygroPro II is the latest addition to the Panametrics portfolio of market leading moisture analyzers and transmitters. It is an intrinsically safe, compact, loop-powered display transmitter designed specifically to meet the demands of rugged industrial and hydrocarbon processing applications. It can measure moisture in both gases and hydrocarbon liquids, providing a 4 to 20 mA output along with HART digital communication capability. It uses Panametrics’ latest state-of-the-art aluminum oxide moisture sensor, the -FX sensor.
Advanced moisture sensor technology
The HygroPro II combines a technologically advanced aluminum oxide moisture sensor with robust electronics for unequaled overall performance.
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