The PanaFlow gas meter system is a complete ultrasonic flow meter offering for gas applications with a unique combination of accuracy, rangeability, and reliability in a robust meter design.
The PanaFlow gas meter system consists of two models— the one-path PanaFlow Z1G and the two-path PanaFlow Z2G. Both meters offer a high-performance, yet affordable solution for a variety of gas flow applications.
Ultrasonic gas flow meter for hazardous area with optional methane content determination in biogas
The biogas that comes from the digester is typically low pressure. It is saturated with water (6% @ 40 °C) and contains CO2 (20% – 40%). Such an application requires powerful transducers to be able to measure this gas mixture at very low pressure.
Biomethane is the other typical measurement here, easier to handle. Panametrics holds a strong heritage in difficult gas flow measurement gained from flare gas experience.
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