
Biogas upgrading to biomethane

Bright Biomethane offers a well-proven system to upgrade biogas to a methane-rich product gas, also known as biomethane. By applying highly efficient membranes the separation of methane from biogas can reach an efficiency of more than 99.5% and render biomethane suitable for injection in the national grid or compression to CNG. Read more about our technology.

Bright Biomethane systems are available in standard capacities from 40 Nm3/hr to 5,000 Nm3/hr. Other capacities are available on request. This makes Bright Biomethane one of the few suppliers able to deliver the total range from small to large biogas upgrading installations.

BRIGHT BIOMETHANE - Biogas Upgrading

The Bright Biomethane Process

Bright biomethane Biogas Upgrading Process


Pre-treatment of biogas

Before the CO2 can be removed, it is necessary to dry the biogas and remove hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and other contaminants which can damage the membranes or that need to be removed to meet the specification of the gas grid or other specific application. Hydrogen sulphide and other contaminants are removed from the biogas using a double active carbon filter. Water is removed by cooling the biogas to approximately 5°C with a chiller.


Compression and heat recovery

After the pre-treatment of the biogas, the biogas is compressed to the necessary pressure for upgrading by membranes. The heat of the drying of the biogas, the heat from the compressor and the heat from cooling the gas after the compressor may be recovered by using a patented heat recovery system, this option makes it possible to recover the optimal amount of heat, so less energy is needed.

Separation by 3 stage membrane arrangement

For the separation of carbon dioxide Bright Biomethane uses membranes with the highest selectivity available in the market. They pass CO2 easier and quicker than methane. The membrane modules in the system are arranged in 3 stages. In this patented design the permeate gas from the different stages is recirculated to obtain the highest efficiency (>99.5%) and lowest methane loss (<0.5%). Note: this is a significantly lower methane slip value than many other technologies).


Multiple applications

The methane-rich product gas can be used for different purposes. One of the options is to inject the obtained gas into the natural gas grid. Another option is to use the gas as transport fuel (CNG) for cars. Biomethane is a COneutral, clean fuel without particles, that provides a good alternative to fossil fuel. The COthat is removed from the biogas can be recovered and liquefied to create an extra source of revenue for the plant owner.

Why choose for biogas upgrading by Bright Biomethane?


Proven membrane technology achieving more than 97% operational availability. System is easily integrated with a biogas plant, provides optimal gas cleaning, a robust design, an advanced patented control system and the assurance of 24/7 service support.



Having constructed the world’s first commercial plant for upgrading biogas using a 3-stage membrane system, Bright Biomethane successfully uses this proven design in its systems operating today.


Quick to grid

The advanced design and patented control system makes it possible to inject specification compliant biomethane to grid within a few minutes of start-up. Other technologies can take much longer to start-up with resultant methane losses and operational inconvenience. Bright Biomethane plant operators have the option to stop and start the facility at their convenience with minimal methane loss and no wasted energy consumption.


99.5% methane recovery, more than any other system. The lowest electricity consumption (0,22 kWh/Nmbiogas). No heat required for the biogas upgrading process. Heat recovery (> 0,25 kWt/Nm3 biogas) covering the main energy consumption of the biogas facility. Competitive price level.


CO2 recovery

A Bright Biomethane COrecovery unit can also be integrated with the standard 3 or 2 stage membrane upgrading systems. The high separation efficiency of the membranes means that the energy consumption of CO2 liquification is much lower than conventional systems.


No chemicals, no waste(water)

No water or chemicals are needed in the Bright Biomethane process which means that there are no disposal problems, such as acid water or chemicals that can be an unforeseen cost with other technologies.


Gas treatment

Bright Biomethane is experienced in managing biogas produced from most forms of biomass feedstock, including municipal sludges and wastes. Based on this experience, reliable biogas pre-treatment solutions can be offered to ensure the correct biogas specification is achieved before upgrading.

For more information, visit Bright Biomethane’s website.

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