This PR system is organic chemistry-based (no centrifuge is employed) and has been successfully commissioned at a large dairy farm in the Northwest — as well as two other locations. It is, in-part, the “guaranteed retention time” offered by the DVO’s patented anaerobic digester design that allows this PR process to be both economical and effective. As a result, the majority of a waste stream’s phosphorus content now resides in a condensed solid fertilizer product.
PR System Benefits:
– Phosphorus and other nutrients (including valuable micronutrients) are condensed into a stackable, storable, transportable – and even marketable – solid fertilizer product
– In so doing, the environmental “pollution potential” of the liquid waste stream is also dramatically reduced
– AD+ PR allows a more cost-effective and efficient waste or nutrient (fertilizer) management plan, for municipalities, farmers and agribusinesses
– AD+ PR eliminates the burdensome practice of land-applying high-strength/odiferous wastes