VOGELSANG – Shredding technology and macerators
RotaCut, X-Ripper twin-shaft macerators and combinations of a pump and shredding technology for special applications: Vogelsang shredding technology e...
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VOLGELSANG: BioCut (Digester Feeding): Developed specifically for biogas plants
Good shredding and homogenisation of the mashed organic suspension in the mashing or hydrolysis tank significantly improves the effectiveness of bioga...
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Vorta – Hydrodynamic Cavitation Technology
VORTA's Vortex offers a possibility of treating Process Streams and Waste streams at their source before transferring them to equalization tank and al...
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X-chopper® Pre-Treatment Technologies
X-chopper® pre-treatment technologies provide new opportunities for using biomass with a high energy content not previously treatable in a biogas pla...
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