Remove 95 % of contaminants without Carbon
Remove 99.9 % of contaminants with Polishing Filter
DCR includes “A unique set of Gas to Refrigerant Heat Exchangers”. DCR is a scientifically proven way to clean gas. Most SILOXANES condense at -90 F (-230C). To cool gas below freezing temperature, without blocking gas flow with ice build up, gas flow alternates between two heat exchangers. One heat exchanger chills gas to -90 F; while the other is defrosted; and, chilled again before the switch over of gas flow, to provide a low dew point continuously. To prevent freeze up, gas temperature and pressure are monitored at all critical points; gas flow is controlled by a PLC. Gas is cooled in multiple steps. Most contaminants either condense or dissolve, in moisture/ fluids. Similarly, cold and warm refrigerant flows are monitored and controlled by a PLC.